
Tmux Configuration

You can configure Tmux via the ~/.tmux.conf file. If it doesn’t exist, create it:

$ touch ~/.tmux.conf

To reload Tmux with the new settings:

$ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

Custom Keystrokes

Add these commands to ~/.tmux.conf to modify Tmux function keys. Each command spans two lines. The unbind command deactivates the default key combination.



unbind '"' bind - split-window -v

Change key combination to split window into two horizontal panes: Replace default Ctrl+b " with Ctrl+b – (hyphen)

unbind % bind | split-window -h

Change key combination to split window into two vertical panes: Replace default Ctrl+b % with Ctrl+b | (pipe)

unbind C-b set -g prefix C-a

Replace trigger key combination Ctrl+b with Ctrl+a

Making Tmux Copy Mode to default to vi keys



setw -g mode-keys vi

Use vi keys in the buffer


The following commands are for customizing the status bar at the bottom of a Tmux window:



set -g status-justify [left|centre|right]

Aligns the names of Tmux windows left/center/right

set -g status-left '...'

Replaces name of current session with ‘...’ in status bar

setw -g window-status-format `#[fg=white,bg=black]#I`

Formats the window names as follows: Default window formatting: Variables: #I: window index #S: session name #W: window name

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