Level 21 - Level 22

Username: natas22
Password: 91awVM9oDiUGm33JdzM7RVLBS8bz9n0s
URL:      http://natas22.natas.labs.overthewire.org


This time we got an empty page with a link to the source code.

Source Code Analysis

Let's take a look at the source code. The first code block of the application looks out for the URL parameter revelio from a GET request and if it exists it checks whether the session contains the key-value pair admin=1 and if so it sets the header Location: /.

The second code block of the application looks out for the URL parameter revelio from a GET request and if exists it shows the credentials for the next level.

Getting the Password

I tried a GET request in the browser with the URL parameter revelio, which responded with a empty page.

I checked the burp HTTP history to get insights on what happend. You can see that the request got redirected and we got an empty page as a result. But the response for the GET request with the URL parameter revelio is recorded in the burp HTTP history, which contains the credentials for the next level.

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