Simple CTF
TryHackme Simple CTF writeup by Thamizhiniyan C S
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TryHackme Simple CTF writeup by Thamizhiniyan C S
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Greetings everyone,
In this write-up, we will tackle Simple CTF from TryHackMe.
Machine link: Simple CTF
Difficulty Level: Easy
Let's Begin 🙌
Firstly, connect to the THM server using the OpenVPN configuration file generated by THM. Click Here to learn more about how to connect to VPN and access the boxes.
Once connected to the VPN service, click on "Start Machine" to access the machine's IP.
Upon joining the machine, you will be able to view the IP address of the target machine.
First start the machine and run a standard Nmap scan on the target.
Command: nmap -A -T4 -v <Target_IP>
From the output we can see that there are a total of 3 services running on the target machine:
vsftpd 3.0.3
Apache httpd 2.4.18
Open SSH 7.2p2
Now, First I visited the Apache server hosted on port 80.
It displayed the default apache welcome page. So next I tried directory enumeration on this web server using gobuster.
Command: gobuster dir -u http://<TARGET_IP>/ -w **/usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-lowercase-2.3-medium.txt**
From the output of the gobuster, we can see that there is /simple
Now visit the http://<Target_IP>/simple
This web server hosts a CMS using the CMS Made Simple, which is open source CMS. On scrolling down to the end of the page we can find the version of the CMS in the footer section.
The CMS version is 2.2.8
, I searched google, looking for exploits for this version of CMS and I got the following:
This CMS is vulnerable to the exploit with the CVE CVE-2019-9053
, which is an unauthenticated SQL Injection on this CMS.
I downloaded the exploit.
After downloading the exploit I tried to run the exploit using the following command:
python2 <> -u http://<targetip>/simple
But it thrown me a error that the exploit requires a package termcolor
to run. So I downloaded the package using the following command: python2 -m pip install termcolor
Then I tried to run the exploit, the exploit ran successfully and the following output was obtained:
From this we have found the username is mitch
and we have also got the password salt and hash. Now we can try to crack this password hash using hashcat
Command: hashcat -m 20 0c01f4468bd75d7a84c7eb73846e8d96:1dac0d92e9fa6bb2 **/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt**
And we have cracked the password the password is secret
Now we can login via ssh using the obtained credentials:
username: mitch
password: secret
Command: ssh mitch@<Target_IP> -p 2222
And now we got the user flag.
Now we have escalate our privilege to access the root flag.
On Further enumeration, I have found another user in the home directory named sunbath
I was looking out for privilege escalation vectors. I tried the sudo -l
command, to check whether the user mitch
can run any application with root privileges.
From the output, we can devise that the user mitch
can run vim
with root privileges.
On checking gtfobins
[ ], we can use the following command to get a shell with root privilege:
And we got root access.
And finally we got the root flag:
The answers for all the Task questions:
Thank You ....