Level 14 - Level 15

Username: natas15
Password: TTkaI7AWG4iDERztBcEyKV7kRXH1EZRB
URL:      http://natas15.natas.labs.overthewire.org


This time we got an input field, which checks whether the given username exists and also we got the link to the source code.

Source Code Analysis

Let's take a look at the source code.

The input field is vulnerable to SQL Injection and also from the source code, we can identify the current database name and table name as natas15 and users respectively.

Testing SQL Injection

I first checked whether the SQL injection works by using the same payload that we used in the last level.

Next I just gave " as the payload, looking out for clues in error thrown in the response, but no details were disclosed in the error.

Getting the Password

Since, no details were disclosed, we have to check for blind and time based SQL injection. So, I captured the request using burpsuite and saved the request to a file to test the input field with sqlmap.

From the results of sqlmap, we can see that the input field is vulnerable to boolean-based blind SQL injection. Since we know the current database name and the table name, I directly dumped the table, in which the password for the next level is present.

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