Using the below integer array, convert the numbers to their corresponding ASCII characters to obtain a flag.
[99, 114, 121, 112, 116, 111, 123, 65, 83, 67, 73, 73, 95, 112, 114, 49, 110, 116, 52, 98, 108, 51, 125]
data = [99, 114, 121, 112, 116, 111, 123, 65, 83, 67, 73, 73, 95, 112, 114, 49, 110, 116, 52, 98, 108, 51, 125]
print(''.join(chr(i) for i in data))
Included below is a flag encoded as a hex string. Decode this back into bytes to get the flag.
data = "63727970746f7b596f755f77696c6c5f62655f776f726b696e675f776974685f6865785f737472696e67735f615f6c6f747d"
Take the below hex string, decode it into bytes and then encode it into Base64.
import base64
data = "72bca9b68fc16ac7beeb8f849dca1d8a783e8acf9679bf9269f7bf"
Bytes and Big Integers
Convert the following integer back into a message:
from Crypto.Util.number import *
data = 11515195063862318899931685488813747395775516287289682636499965282714637259206269
XOR Starter
Given the string label, XOR each character with the integer 13. Convert these integers back to a string and submit the flag as crypto{new_string}
With PwnTools
from pwn import xor
data = "label"
print(xor(data, 13))
Without PwnTools
data = "label"
print(''.join(chr(ord(i) ^ 13) for i in data))
XOR Properties
Below is a series of outputs where three random keys have been XOR'd together and with the flag. Use the above properties to undo the encryption in the final line to obtain the flag.
Key1 = bytes.fromhex("a6c8b6733c9b22de7bc0253266a3867df55acde8635e19c73313")
KEY2_1 = bytes.fromhex("37dcb292030faa90d07eec17e3b1c6d8daf94c35d4c9191a5e1e")
KEY2_3 = bytes.fromhex("c1545756687e7573db23aa1c3452a098b71a7fbf0fddddde5fc1")
FLAG_KEY1_3_2 = bytes.fromhex("04ee9855208a2cd59091d04767ae47963170d1660df7f56f5faf")
Key2 = [Key1[i] ^ KEY2_1[i] for i in range(0, len(Key1))]
Key3 = [Key2[i] ^ KEY2_3[i] for i in range(0, len(Key2))]
flag = [FLAG_KEY1_3_2[i] ^ Key1[i] ^ Key2[i] ^ Key3[i] for i in range(0, len(Key3))]
print(''.join(chr(i) for i in flag))
Favourite Byte
I've hidden some data using XOR with a single byte, but that byte is a secret. Don't forget to decode from hex first.
With PwnTools
from pwn import xor
data = bytes.fromhex("73626960647f6b206821204f21254f7d694f7624662065622127234f726927756d")
secretByte = xor(data[0], "c") # Since we know the first character of the flag is "c"
print(xor(data, ord(secretByte)))
Without PwnTools
data = bytes.fromhex("73626960647f6b206821204f21254f7d694f7624662065622127234f726927756d")
secretByte = data[0] ^ ord("c") # Since we know the first character of the flag is "c"
print(''.join(chr(data[i] ^ secretByte) for i in range(0, len(data))))
You either know, XOR you don't
I've encrypted the flag with my secret key, you'll never be able to guess it.
from pwn import xor
data = bytes.fromhex("73626960647f6b206821204f21254f7d694f7624662065622127234f726927756d")
flagFormat = "crypto{"
secretKey = [xor(data[i], flagFormat[i]) for i in range(0, len(flagFormat))] * 6 # Since we know the flag format "crypto{}"
print(b''.join(xor(data[i], secretKey[i]) for i in range(0, len(data))))
Without PwnTools
data = bytes.fromhex("73626960647f6b206821204f21254f7d694f7624662065622127234f726927756d")
flagFormat = "crypto{"
secretKey = [data[i] ^ ord(flagFormat[i]) for i in range(0, len(flagFormat))] * 6 # Since we know the flag format "crypto{}"
print(''.join(chr(data[i] ^ secretKey[i]) for i in range(0, len(data))))