Custom encryption


Can you get sense of this code file and write the function that will decode the given encrypted file content.

Find the encrypted file here flag_info and code file might be good to analyze and get the flag.


First download the given files.

The has the code that they used to encrypt the flag and the output file contains the values they used to do so and the final cipher.

I have made the following python script to decrypt the given cipher. After running the below script, you will get the flag.

p = 97
g = 31
a = 88
b = 26
cipher = [97965, 185045, 740180, 946995, 1012305, 21770, 827260, 751065, 718410, 457170, 0, 903455, 228585, 54425, 740180, 0, 239470,
          936110, 10885, 674870, 261240, 293895, 65310, 65310, 185045, 65310, 283010, 555135, 348320, 533365, 283010, 76195, 130620, 185045]

def generator(g, x, p):
    return pow(g, x) % p

def decrypt(encryptedText, key):
    return [chr(each // (key * 311)) for each in encryptedText]

def dynamic_xor_decrypt(encrypted_text, text_key):
    plain_text = ""
    key_length = len(text_key)
    for i, each in enumerate(encrypted_text):
        key_char = text_key[i % key_length]
        plain_text += chr(ord(each) ^ ord(key_char))
    return plain_text[::-1]

u = generator(g, a, p)
v = generator(g, b, p)
key = generator(v, a, p)
b_key = generator(u, b, p)
shared_key = None

if key == b_key:
    shared_key = key
    print("Invalid key")

semi_cipher = decrypt(cipher, shared_key)
plain_text = dynamic_xor_decrypt(semi_cipher, "trudeau")

Flag: picoCTF{custom_d2cr0pt6d_019c831c}

Last updated

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